Resource Materials at IREMAM and the MMSH Library
The IREMAM Documents Archive
IREMAM possesses a documents archive dating back to 1956, which covers the modern Arab world in the humanities and the social sciences, in both Western languages and Arabic. Incorporated into the collections of the médiathèque de la MMSH in 2004, the archive complements those of the Aix-Marseille I University library (Mediterranean Orient 1453-1900), and those of the National Archives’ Overseas Territories Archives Center (colonial period).
These rich collections represent half a century of research in Islamic studies, history, linguistics, law, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, migration flows and international relations in the Arab and Muslim world.
Special donated collections
Fonds P. Bonnenfant (anthropologie, Arabie saoudite, Yémen)
Fonds F. Colonna (anthropologie, sociologie, Algérie)
Fonds M. Côte (géographie des pays du Maghreb)
Fonds P. Coussonnet (histoire du Monde arabe et musulman)
Fonds J. Dejeux (littérature maghrébine d’expression française)
Fonds B. Étienne (sciences politiques, islam)
Fonds M. Flory (droit public, Monde arabe)
Fonds M. Gast (mondes berbères et arabo-berbères)
Fonds J-R. Henry (droit, imaginaire oriental, relations méditerranéennes)
Fonds H. Ishow (sociologie, Moyen-Orient contemporain, spécialiste de l’Irak)
Fonds J. Lacouture (histoire contemporaine)
Fonds J. F. Legrain (histoire de la Palestine depuis 1967)
Fonds J. Luccioni (histoire coloniale du Maroc)
Fonds R. Mantran (histoire de l’Empire ottoman)
Fonds M. Michel (histoire de l’Afrique)
Fonds S. Ory (épigraphie et archéologie islamiques)
Fonds J-P. Pascual (Syrie ottomane)
Fonds E. Picard (sciences politiques, Liban)
Fonds Y. Porter (histoire de l’art au Moyen-Orient)
Fonds A. Raymond (histoire des villes arabes)
Fonds É. Rouleau (sciences politiques et relations internationales au Moyen-Orient)
Fonds C. Souriau (les femmes au Maghreb)
Fonds C. Vial (littérature arabe moderne)
Collections of the official journals of the countries of the Maghreb (post-independence)
Researchers’ private archives
Fonds Y. Bonète (photographies d’anthropologie en Algérie)
Fonds P. Bonnenfant (anthropologie, Arabie saoudite, Yémen)
Fonds F. Colonna (anthropologie, sociologie, Algérie)
Fonds M. Côte (géographie des pays du Maghreb)
Fonds J. Couleau (manuscrits sur l’agriculture au Maroc)
Fonds J. Desparmet (ethnographie et langue arabe en Algérie)
Fonds B. Étienne (sciences politiques, islam)
Fonds M. Flory (droit public, Monde arabe)
Fonds M. Gast (mondes berbères et arabo-berbères)
Fonds L. Golvin (photos en archéologie médiévale en Algérie)
Fonds Germaine Laoust-Chantréaux (matériaux et photographies liés à ses terrains d’enquête ethnographique situés aux Maroc et en Algérie (Kabylie essentiellement)
Fonds S. Ory (épigraphie et archéologie islamiques)
Fonds J-P. Pascual (Syrie ottomane)
Fonds E. Picard (sciences politiques, Liban)
Fonds A. Raymond (histoire des villes arabes)
Fonds J. Revault (clichés photographiques sur l’architecture domestique en Tunisie et au Maroc)
Fonds A. Roux (manuscrits arabes et berbères)
The MMSH Library’s Documents Archive
The archives of the MMSH Library bring together a high standard of publications and materials in history, the humanities and social sciences on the countries of the Mediterranean, of both Western (North coast) and Arab civilization (extending to the region of Muslim civilization).
The archives also bring together document libraries (Arab Studies and Thematic Studies Departments), an image library and a sound archive.
Providing research support for researchers and doctoral students, it is also, however, open to the public and to students whose courses are held at the MMSH.
The archives bring together more than 280 000 documents from the diverse laboratories that make up the MMSH: IREMAM, TELEMME, IDEMEC, LAMES, IMAF:
- 150 000 books, including 45 000 in Arabic and a very interesting fund on Berber studies.
- 4800 titles of magazines including some 200 subscriptions and 2000 titles of periodicals published in the Arab World.
- 2100 maps.
- 120 000 iconographic documents (mainly architectural and ethnographic photographs on the Arab and Muslim World).
- 6000 hours of sound archives of which 3500 can be consulted on the Internet.
- The digital resources available on the e-Library website include both highlights of the library’s collections, and native digital resources,
- Since 2016, two multimedia navigation terminals in the reading room provide direct access to the archives of the French National Audiovisual Archives (INA).
Where to find us
Médiathèque, MMSH
5, rue du Château de l’Horloge, CS 90412, 13097 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2.
Du mardi au vendredi, de 9h à 17h30 et le lundi de 13h à 17h30.
Contact: Jean-Christophe Peyssard,
MMSH Library Catalogues
Library (on the right of the page select Aix - Jas de Bouffan - MMSH)
Sound Archive
Picture library and archives
MMSH’s Blogs on
Médiathèque & Méditerranée
Les carnets de la phonothèque
MMSH’s Ressources online
The Mediterranean Map Room
Mediamed, Multimedia resources in the humanities and social sciences on the Mediterranean
Med-Mem, Audiovisual memories of the Mediterranean
Aldébaran, Selection of documentary resources in the humanities.
And the Digital City of the Mediterranean (CINUMED) which is a platform for the pooling and sharing of knowledge in the field of Mediterranean studies in the humanities and social sciences.